El amor de los jóvenes Diego e Isabel, pertenecientes
a dos familias de muy diferente linaje, no era bien visto
en una época en la que los matrimonios concertados entre
familias, buscando alianzas comerciales o financieras, no
dejaban lugar a la libre elección de pareja..
Esto hizo que el padre de Isabel concediese a Diego un plazo de seis años y una semana,
para hacer fortuna y así poder casarse con su hija.
El joven amante se alejó de Teruel con la esperanza de volver en el plazo y casarse con Isabel.
Esto hizo que el padre de Isabel concediese a Diego un plazo de seis años y una semana,
para hacer fortuna y así poder casarse con su hija.
El joven amante se alejó de Teruel con la esperanza de volver en el plazo y casarse con Isabel.
Pero cuando, el día que se cumplía
el plazo, Diego regresó a Teruel...
se encontró con que Isabel se había
se encontró con que Isabel se había
casado con un rico noble de la ciudad.
Tras el banquete de bodas, Diego accedió a los dormitorios de Isabel, donde encontró a la joven esposa y, asumiendo su destino, le pidió un último beso que le diese fuerzas para vivir lejos de ella el resto de sus días. Cuando Isabel se lo negó, por ser ya una mujer casada, Diego no lo pudo soportar y cayó fulminado a sus pies...
The love of the young Diego and Isabel, belonging
to two families of very different lineage, not was well seen
in a time in which those marriages concluded between
families, commercial or financial, alliances do not
they left place to the free choice of partner...
This made Isabel's father to give Diego a term of six years and one week,
to make fortune and thus be able to marry his daughter.
The young lover is away of Teruel with the hope
return within and marry Elizabeth.
But when, the day that is fulfilled
the term, Diego returned to Teruel...
He found that Isabel had been
married with a rich noble of the city.
After the wedding banquet, Diego agreed to the bedroom of Isabel, where he found the young spouse, and assuming his destiny, he asked one last Kiss to give you strength to live away from it the rest of his days. When Elizabeth refused, as a married woman, Diego could not bear it and struck down fell at his feet...
The next day, and during the funeral of Diego, Isabel
It came to the coffin and you gave the kiss that you had denied
in life... and when he did, died in her arms.
Al día siguiente y durante el funeral de Diego, Isabel
se acercó al féretro y le dió el beso que le había negado en vida...
y cuando lo hizo expiró en sus brazos
y cuando lo hizo expiró en sus brazos
The love of the young Diego and Isabel, belonging
to two families of very different lineage, not was well seen
in a time in which those marriages concluded between
families, commercial or financial, alliances do not
they left place to the free choice of partner...
This made Isabel's father to give Diego a term of six years and one week,
to make fortune and thus be able to marry his daughter.
The young lover is away of Teruel with the hope
return within and marry Elizabeth.
But when, the day that is fulfilled
the term, Diego returned to Teruel...
He found that Isabel had been
married with a rich noble of the city.
After the wedding banquet, Diego agreed to the bedroom of Isabel, where he found the young spouse, and assuming his destiny, he asked one last Kiss to give you strength to live away from it the rest of his days. When Elizabeth refused, as a married woman, Diego could not bear it and struck down fell at his feet...
The next day, and during the funeral of Diego, Isabel
It came to the coffin and you gave the kiss that you had denied
in life... and when he did, died in her arms.
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